Sunday, 23 June 2013

4 (or is it 5?) Batman: Arkham Origins skins I'd like to see (Part 2)

Goddamn word limits. Well, if you've stuck around to read thus far, you must be a keen Bat-fan! Here, have a cookie. Except NOT REALLY BECAUSE HAHAHAHAHA

2) "The Dark Knight Returns" armoured battlesuit

Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns" is considered a gold-standard classic in the Batman mythos. I disagree. It has Fascist undertones (like much of Frank Miller's work) the way the story develops is quite weak and the whole thing is peppered with the hard-bitten noir cliches that infest Miller's work. However, I still love that comic. And only for one scene. Batman, plotting to overthrow the government, knows he will have to face a Superman who has become little more than the state's stooge and the Dark Knight suits up accordingly. Obviously, Batman in his normal attire would be destroyed in seconds by Supes. So he dons a suit of massive power-armour, hoping it'll hold up until he can utterly humiliate the Big Blue Boyscout. And it does. But barely. When these two legends of American folklore square off, every blow feels titanic and eventually, Batman's suit starts to give in. But before it is destroyed entirely, Batman pummels Superman before suffering a heart attack, a final act of defiance, ending it on his terms. Before he "dies" he delivers a classic speech to a Superman who only sought to wound, not kill, his old friend;

"You're beginning to get the idea, Clark. the end...for both of us. We could have changed the world. Now look at us... I've become a political liability and you... You're a joke. I want you to remember my hand at your throat. I want you to remember the one man who beat you."

In other words, BAD-FUCKING-ASS. Put that fucking suit in a game, NOW!

1) "Arkham Asylum: A Serious On Serious Earth" Batsuit 

Yes. Oh god, yes. "Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth" is the most esoteric and unique Batman comic, bar none. It situates the Batman myth in a haze of occultism, insanity and spiritualism. I love it. And I love the appearance of Batman in it. He is a wraith, more shadow than man with few features we'd identify as "human" ever visible on him. Dave McKean's extraoridnary artwork renders the Batman  into a haunting spirit representing order, repression and hatred, contrasting with the colourful, vivid insanity represented by the Joker. Batman always seems shrouded in swirling shadows and his shoulders sport two spikey little swirls on the end of his cape. This gothic version of Batman would be impossible to accomplish properly in a game, with games usually incapable of doing justice to more abstract art in favour of gritty realism. But can you imagine if they found a way to make it work? Transforming your Batman into a wrathful avatar of vengeance, cloaked in shadow, not even human any more? A concept like this deserves a game of its own, given that its conceptual majesty is so utterly unique that it simply wouldn't fit in anything else. Still, an appearance in Origins would tie things together nicely, given that the first game in the Arkham series was based largely on this comic book.

I could gush about the merits of this suit all day but I'm going to tie it up. Hope you enjoyed reading my wishlist of Batman: Arkham Origins skins, and I sincerely hope this game is as kickass as it looks when it hits in October.

That Gamer Bastard

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